Re: Adding New Task After Setting Baseline
Voted for it! I have a workaround meantime, which is adding 2 new columns: New Baseline: with the formula =End@row Diff: with the formula =IF(Var@row = "", ([New Baseline]@row - End@row), V…1 · -
Re: Is it possible to reset only a part of the baseline date during the project ?
Another vote for this! Modifying the actuals to the original and then reseting the baseline and then updating the actuals again is just too much. Timelines are constantly changing, new actitivies bei…3 · -
Re: Adding New Task After Setting Baseline
@Kaleb sorry, seems I cannot share outside of my org. Let me see if this still helps: Var, Baseline Start and Baseline Finish are default columns when you set the baselines. Columns I added: --> D…1 ·